πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‚ 🎁 - Help Me Celebrate a Major Milestone Today!


Hello Reader,

Today is July 11, 2024. Where this date might not mean much to many, for me, this date is always circled on the calendar each year.

Yesterday when I sent out my ISTE Wrap-up, I mentioned that I would be sending a pretty special email today.

I am excited to share that today, TeacherCast officially turns 13 years old. That’s right, on July 13, 2011, I woke up at 12:30 in the morning, sat down, registered the domain, signed up for my social media accounts, and built the first version of the website.

Before I write any more, I simply want to say THANK YOU! Thank you for joining me on this journey and thank you for allowing me and TeacherCast to be a small part of your professional learning.

Why does TeacherCast exist?

In 2011, I had a vision to create β€œA Place for Teachers to Help other Teachers.” Since then, the website has been the home to hundreds of blog posts, thousands of podcasts, 1500+ YouTube videos with more than 2 million views and has broadcast live from 12 ISTE Conferences.

My mission now is the same mission that I had then. To be a place for educators to come together and learn from each other. But today, I am excited to share that there are several new additions coming to the network.

What does TeacherCast look like today?

In January 2024, I relaunched a brand-new version of TeacherCast. The network is built on three distinct podcasts.

  • ​The Jeff Bradbury Show – A Podcast that features amazing people doing amazing things to make the world a better place.
  • ​Digital Learning Today – To support the integration of the ISTE Standards for Digital Learning in today's classrooms.
  • ​Ask the Tech Coach – For Instructional Coaches & Digital Learning Leaders

In addition to the podcast, I have reorganized all of my professional development sessions over on the brand-new TeacherCast University site.

Each of TeacherCast's content sections are now featured on these major landing pages.

What will TeacherCast look like tomorrow?

Now for the big news ...

Starting Today, TeacherCast will start a new transformation. One with a focus not only on providing you with an exceptional professional learning experience, but one that will be designed with three goals in mind.

  1. To focus all the content specifically on your needs and goals based on your feedback in our online communities.
  2. To build a library of learning materials in print, audio, and video that will be used to support the work you do in your classrooms with your teachers and students.
  3. To grow a community of Instructional Coaches & Digital Learning Leaders to support not only the use of Coaching in the school district, but to help provide Coaches the materials needed to build, grow, and keep their positions for many years to come.

What is the bad news?

With any announcement of a transformation, I completely understand that this renewed focus on Instructional Coaches, Digital Learning Leaders, and Standards-based technology integration might not be for everyone. If you need to hit the unsubscribe button, I completely understand. If you would like to update your preferences on this newsletter, you can click here to make those adjustments.

Sneak Peek at Big Projects Launching Soon!

Moving forward, there are several projects that I am excited to be launching.

Instructional Coaches Dashboard & Command Center.

For the last 13 years, I have had the opportunity to work as an Instructional Coach to support school districts, building leaders, teachers, and students. One of the biggest challenges that I had was staying organized.

This month, I am excited to launch my first Notion Template to support Instructional Coaches. In the next few days, I will be sharing more information about this robust template

Impact Standards!

I am extremely excited to be partnering with X-Factor EDU on my first published book called IMPACT Standards!

This book is designed to help school districts build a culture of standards-based digital learning that supports the implementation of Instructional Coaching programs and provides a blueprint for developing, building, and long-term development of Instructional Coaching departments.

A Newly Designed YouTube Channel

One of the projects that I would love to get YOUR help with is the transformation of my YouTube channel. I am almost ready to pass 17,000 subscribers (about the seating capacity of Madison Square Garden), but let’s be honest, it has been pretty much dead for the last few years.

My goal is to create new instructional videos on a regular basis based on your support and feedback. If you have not yet subscribed to the channel, please CLICK HERE to visit and subscribe. By subscribing, it will help the YouTube algorithm find me again and support the channel.

13 Years and Counting ... THANK YOU!

The last 18 months have been extremely difficult for me and my family. In the last 18 months, I have moved from an Instructional Coaching position to a district level administrator, to being unemployed, to being back in the classroom. The support that the TeacherCast network has provided me through this challenging time has been tremendous. The only way that I can properly say THANK YOU is by continuing to work hard and creating professional learning opportunities for you and your staff that provide value to the work you do every day.

If there is anything I can do to support you, if you want to meet with me, or if you want to be a guest on the podcast, please tell me. The last 13 years have been an amazing adventure, and I do not have any plans to stop now.

Until Next Time ...

Keep up the great work in your classrooms, enjoy your summer, and continue sharing your passions with your students!

Jeff Bradbury

Community Questions❓❓❓

In 2012, I created a podcast called "Ask the Tech Coach." The concept was to help Instructioanl Coaches and Digital Learning Leaders by answering their question. If you have any questions that you would like me to answer personally, address on a future newsletter, or discuss on the podcast, please feel free to reach out anytime!

I appreaciate your questions, your feedback, and for being a part of this community!

If there is anything that I can do to help or support you, please don't hesitate to contact me through the links below.

Until next time,

Keep up the great work in your classrooms, and continue sharing your passions, with your students.


Jeffrey Bradbury, Your Digital Learning Coach!

​TeacherCast Educational Network​



113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Digital Learning Today

A Weekly Newsletter for Instructional Coaches and Digital Learning Leaders to help you think strategically about shifting the digital learning culture of your classrooms.

Read more from Digital Learning Today
TeacherCast Educational Network

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TeacherCast Educational Network

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