🍎 Looking back at ISTELive 24 ... Looking ahead towards the future!

Greetings and Happy Summer!

The last few weeks have been extremely exciting. ISTELive was simply fantastic and I am excited today to share my ISTE wrap-up below.

Over the course of the conference, I had the opportunity to reconnect with dozens of close friends, present a half dozen times for companies such as Google Education and meet so many Instructional Coaches.

ISTE Ignite Session

One of the thrills of this year's conference was having the opportunity to stand on the MAIN STAGE during the conference and present an Ignite session called "Impact Standards." This session, inspired by my upcoming book project supported Instructional Coaches and why it is important for school districts to create a culture that leverages instructional coaching in the classroom.

I'd love to get your feedback. Please click on the photo/button below and leave a comment on the YouTube video.

🀳 SOOO Many Memories!

🎀 ISTELive EdTech Interviews

During the conference, I had the opportunity to meet teams from Cignition, Metametrics, zSpace, SMART, and Renaissance. Check out our interviews below!



SMART (Part 1)


SMART (Part 2)

πŸ‘ The Future Starts Tomorrow!

As we put ISTE in the mirror and begin to look ahead, I am excited!

I am excited for new adventures, new podcast topics to explore and new features to bring to TeacherCast.

Tomorrow, please look for a new email. One that is going to be extremely personal, yet full of excitement.

Tomorrow, TeacherCast celebrates 13 years! Every year on my anniversary on the channel, I like to bring out something new and exciting and this year is no exception.

Stay Tuned!

As always, thank you for supporting TeacherCast. The last 12 months have been a total roller coaster, but the last few weeks have super charged me to no end.

See you tomorrow!

Community Questions❓❓❓

In 2012, I created a podcast called "Ask the Tech Coach." The concept was to help Instructioanl Coaches and Digital Learning Leaders by answering their question. If you have any questions that you would like me to answer personally, address on a future newsletter, or discuss on the podcast, please feel free to reach out anytime!

I appreaciate your questions, your feedback, and for being a part of this community!

If there is anything that I can do to help or support you, please don't hesitate to contact me through the links below.

Until next time,

Keep up the great work in your classrooms, and continue sharing your passions, with your students.


Jeffrey Bradbury, Your Digital Learning Coach!

​TeacherCast Educational Network​


Digital Learning Today

A Weekly Newsletter for Instructional Coaches and Digital Learning Leaders to help you think strategically about shifting the digital learning culture of your classrooms.

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TeacherCast Educational Network

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TeacherCast Educational Network

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